Parting the Red Sea: An International Workshop on Late Pleistocene Human Dispersals and Stone Artefact Variability in the Horn of Africa and Arabia

Map of the Horn and Arabia
credit: NASA, blue Marble collection



Steve Brandt, Huw Groucutt and Yonatan Sahle kindly invited me to participate in an international workshop at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) and in a session at the Society for American Archaeologists (SAA) meeting organised in Orlando (FL). 

The international workshop took place at the University of Florida, in Gainesville, on April 4-6 2016, with more than 20 researchers who presented their research on the Horn of Africa and on Arabia in order to discuss human dispersals in the Late Pleistocene. The workshop was followed by a session at the SAA meeting on Thursday 7 April 2016. The program is available here (pp. 44-45). Both the workshop and the session showed lots of very interesting talks and discussions!

Local and regional sequences both in the Horn and in the Arabian Peninsula were presented and were discussed with regards to possible intra- and inter-regional connections. I presented (on behalf of Erella Hovers and David Pleurdeau, co-authors of this presentation but who could not be present) the sequences of Porc-Epic and Goda Buticha (Southeastern Ethiopia). 

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